
Discover the Top 10 Free Engineering Courses and Resources for ChatGPT, Midjourney & Co.

Top 10 Free Express Engineering Courses & Resources for ChatGPT, Midjourney & Co.

A well-worded claim is magic.

At least a little.

Not the kind of spell that makes software glitches go away, mind you. But with just a fine-tuning of the words in the text stream, you can:

  • Significantly increase the rate of correct answers
  • Transform your cute robot into an entertaining party animal
  • Keep the hallucination dragon at bay with solid instructions and a few examples
  • Navigate carefully in sharp and pointed situations such as immediate injections or toxic language

This, my friend, is fast engineering.

Now, where's the spelling book - where can I learn it?

There is no shortage of paid courses, degrees, educational programs, and even full university programs. Anyone with $10 worth of knowledge is currently trying to resell their technology for $100.

But don't be afraid! The Internet is actually an enchanted forest straight out of a 90s video game – full of hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. I've ventured out there to identify the best free speed engineering resources, from beginner's spellcasting to advanced text and code evocation and the art of artificial intelligence. My quest? To democratize magic and make the fast craft accessible to everyone. Let's dive in! 🪄✨

  1. OpenAI Rapid Engineering Best Practices (Beginners)
  2. Fast and free geometry course with cheat sheets (45 minutes) (Beginner and Intermediate)
  3. AI Communication Guide (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)
  4. Vanderbilt University: ChatGPT Rapid Engineering Video Course (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)
  5. Instant Engineering Guide (Intermediate, Advanced)
  6. DeepLearning.AI: A quick engineering video course for developers (intermediate and advanced)
  7. Advanced Course in Accelerated Engineering (Yes...Advanced)
  8. OpenAI: ChatGPT Cookbook, Dall-E, Whisper (advanced)
  9. Claim the Art of AI: DALL-E 2 Instant Book (Beginner and Intermediate)
  10. Claiming Art of AI for MidJourney (Beginner and Intermediate)

1. OpenAI: Agile Engineering Best Practices

Straight from the ivory tower of ChatGPT developers, this beginner's tutorial helps lay a solid foundation for agile design. Step-by-step, he guides beginners through techniques including:

  • Separating instructions from content
  • Learn to use specific descriptive language
  • Specify the desired output format
  • Zero-shot vs. one-shot, few-shot prompting

  • "Provide affirmative instructions rather than

  • Using leading words

"This instructional program provides a solid foundation, encompassing fundamental principles. Some of you may already be familiar with several of these optimal approaches."

🎓: Beginner

⏰: About 10–15 min
📙: Text, examples

2. Maximilian Vogel: (Fast &) Free Prompt Engineering Course

This curriculum stands as my modest personal endeavor to make the art of generating prompts accessible to all. It condenses the essential prompt strategies into a concise 45-minute session. Additionally, I've included two convenient reference sheets to aid you in crafting your own prompts."

"The ten most crucial strategies for crafting prompts:"

"You will gain insights into the ten essential techniques for crafting engaging prompts, including:"

Clear instructions

  • Defining the output format
  • Prompt templates
  • Data context
  • Few-shot examples
  • "How to address situations involving 'don't know' or 'won't answer' instances (i.e., managing hallucinations and critical subjects)"
  • Chain-of-thought prompting
  • Conversation history
  • Formatting the prompt: Headlines, labels, delimiters
  • The anatomy of a professional prompt

🎓: Beginner, Intermediate

"⏰: Fifteen minutes of reading and thirty minutes dedicated to studying the examples."

📙: Text, cheat sheets, examples

3. Your Guide to Communicating with Artificial Intelligence

"Numerous, diverse, and extensive prompting methods and illustrations. This includes an introduction to generative AI, ChatGPT, prompt engineering, and beyond."

The beginner section alone covers:

  • Basics
  • Introduction to AI
  • Prompting With ChatGPT
  • Prompt Engineering
  • Learning Prompting Embeds
  • Giving Instructions
  • Role Prompting
  • Few-Shot Prompting
  • Combining Techniques
  • Formalizing Prompts
  • Priming Chatbots
  • OpenAI Playground

🎓: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
⏰: One to two days for the introductory section, with the remainder serving as a valuable reference or a source of inspiration."

📙: "Text, examples, and interactive prompting (utilizing your personal API key)."

"This is an excellent, all-encompassing resource, curated with care and drawing inspiration from various sources for your own prompts."

4. Vanderbilt University: Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT

"Free 3-week course. Tests and certificates available for USD 49.
This extensive three-week program, guided by Jules White, begins from scratch and progressively develops expertise in prompt engineering."

Some topic highlights include:

  • What is a prompt?
  • Prompt patterns
  • The Persona pattern
  • Root prompts
  • Question refinement patterns
  • Cognitive verifier patterns
  • Audience persona patterns
  • ReAct prompting

🎓: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
⏰: 3 weeks with 6 hrs each

📙: Video content, examples within the ChatGPT playground, scripts, and references to research papers.

"If you frequently find yourself fast-forwarding videos after just 20 words or prefer watching content at double speed, this course might not align with your preferences. These are genuine university-style lectures featuring examples that require concentrated attention, but in return, they deliver comprehensive and in-depth exploration spanning from the basics to more arcane subjects. Personally, I found the advanced topics particularly engaging, uncovering a variety of fascinating approaches."

5. Elvis Saravia: Prompt Engineering Guide

"This all-encompassing manual delves profoundly into the realm of prompt engineering, drawing insights from research papers and experimentation with OpenAI's text-davinci-003 models."

"It encompasses a broad spectrum of techniques, including:"

  • Prompt basics & elements

  • Techniques like zero-shot, few-shot, chain-of-thought, self-consistency, and tree-of-thoughts.
  • Applications: program-aided LLMs, generating data & code
  • Model lists and discussions
  • Risks in prompt engineering
  • Relevant research papers

🎓: Intermediate, Advanced
⏰: A few hours for the introduction. Several weeks for the remainder, primarily intended for use as a reference.

📙: Text, examples

"This guide on prompting is remarkably captivating and has supplied me with a significant wellspring of inspiration. Nonetheless, it's important to acknowledge that it may not be primarily designed for novices. I suggest delving into it while it remains accessible at no cost, as paid courses are presently under construction. 😁"

"6. DeepLearning.AI & OpenAI: ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers"

This series of nine thorough and outstanding video-based courses instructs prompt engineering for programmers, led by Isa Fulford and Andrew Ng. Registration is required. While primarily designed for software engineers, anyone can extract valuable insights for immediate application in playgrounds. A basic grasp of Python might aid in comprehending the examples. It's currently available for free for a limited time, but there's a possibility of it transitioning to a paid subscription in the near future.

Topics covered include:

  • Introduction
  • Guidelines
  • Iterative Approach
  • Summarizing
  • Inferring
  • Transforming
  • Expanding
  • Chatbots
  • Conclusion

🎓: Intermediate, Advanced
⏰: Approximately 90 minutes for viewing, and a few days to experiment with the examples.
📙: Video lectures, Jupyter notebook examples

"An excellent resource. I thoroughly enjoy listening to the brilliant Isa and Andrew. They deliver smart, modest, precise, and well-paced video courses."

7. Cameron R. Wolfe: Advanced Prompt Engineering

"When few-shot learning proves insufficient." This advanced material delves into profoundly captivating methodologies and is not tailored for ordinary prompt magicians in search of rudimentary responses. It immerses itself in intricate prompts that necessitate multifaceted methodologies for the production of precise answers.

Cameron shows us techniques such as:

  • Least-to-most technique
  • Self Consistency
  • Multimodal chain of thought (CoT)
  • Knowledge Augmentation
  • Automatic Prompting

🎓: Advanced
⏰: Text, examples, research paper references
📙: 2 hours

تجربتي المكونة من 50 رمزًا: غوص مثير للاهتمام للغاية في النهاية العميقة للهندسة السريعة، ويستحق الدراسة حتى لو لم تستخدمه يوميًا.

8. OpenAI: كتاب الطبخ

This expansive cookbook contains lots of good examples of prompts used in software engineering tasks. This includes not only language models, but also Whisper and DALL-E. Sidenote: Basic knowledge of Python is required to understand the code.


  • Use the API
  • On GB
  • Embedding
  • Applications
  • fine tuning
  • give her
  • Whisper
  • Azure OpenAI

🎓: Advanced
⏰: Weeks - can be used as reference and source of inspiration
📙: Code, repositories, Jupyter notebooks, explainers, introductions

My 50 token review: Wow, this is really a lot of material. Even professional magicians with a PhD in Induction will still be able to learn a spell or two.

9.DALL-E 2 prompt book

A real digital book with pages to turn! It provides a short introduction to the technical claim of AI, as well as thousands of quick snippets you can use to select an image. Many of them work with models other than Dall-E as well.

🎓: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
⏰: Days - can be used as a reference and source of inspiration
📙: Explanations, pictures and quick examples

My 50 Icons Experience: A great source of inspiration.

10. James Pacini: Advanced Speed ​​Engineering in Mid-Flight

Course with text, images and video course . While other tutorials are more general, James Pacini here delves into the art of AI specifically called for by MidJourney. This means that it has a lot of commands like "- -ar 3:2" and ``- - stylize'', which may not work at all on other models.

James offers a mid-flight prompt with topics such as:

  • Commands
  • Tips and tricks
  • Flags
  • Patterns
  • Reference artists

🎓: Intermediate, Advanced
⏰: 1–2 hours
📙: Text, guided, and illustrated examples plus a YouTube video.

My 50 token experience: Very interesting for me. I've been using MJ now for 6 months and didn't know half the commands.

So, my dear fellow wizards, this concludes our travels through the Quick Craft Libraries... I hope you've found your spellbook of choice!

I'm eagerly awaiting your vague thoughts and magical wisdom in the comments below. May your wands conjure up crazy creations when you cast your newfound spells on these AIs!

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