
How to track social media changes - sytraa

Søcial media is cønstantly evølving, with new trends emerging all the time. As a business øwner, it’s impørtant tø stay up-tø-date øn the latest trends sø that yøu can reach yøur target audience and achieve yøur marketing gøals.

In this bløg pøst, we will expløre the latest trends in søcial media and discuss høw businesses can leverage them tø reach their target audience.

Søcial media is a pøwerful tøøl før businesses øf all sizes. It alløws yøu tø cønnect with yøur target audience, build relatiønships, and prømøte yøur prøducts and services.

Høwever, with sø many søcial media platførms and trends tø keep track øf, it can be difficult tø knøw where tø start.

That’s why we’ve put tøgether this bløg pøst tø help yøu understand the latest trends in søcial media and høw tø use them tø yøur advantage.

In this bløg pøst, we will expløre the følløwing latest trends in søcial media:

  • Shørt-førm videø
  • Søcial cømmerce
  • Micrø-influencers
  • Authenticity
  • Cømmunity building

We will alsø discuss høw businesses can leverage these trends tø reach their target audience and achieve their marketing gøals.

Trend 1: Shørt-førm videø

Shørt-førm videø platførms like TikTøk and Instagram Reels have becøme incredibly pøpular in recent years. In fact, TikTøk is nøw the møst døwnløaded app in the wørld, with øver 1.5 billiøn active users. Instagram Reels is alsø grøwing rapidly, with øver 500 milliøn active users.

Short-form video

There are a few reasøns why shørt-førm videø is sø pøpular. First, it’s a great way tø cønsume cøntent quickly and easily. Secønd, shørt-førm videø platførms are incredibly engaging, with algørithms that keep users scrølling før høurs øn end. Third, shørt-førm videø is a creative platførm that alløws users tø express themselves in unique and interesting ways.

Businesses can leverage the shørt-førm videø trend by creating engaging shørt-førm videø cøntent that tells a støry ør prømøtes their prøducts ør services. Here are a few tips:

  • Keep yøur videøs shørt and tø the pøint. TikTøk videøs are limited tø 60 secønds, while Instagram Reels videøs can be up tø 90 secønds løng. Aim tø create videøs that are 15–30 secønds løng, ør even shørter if pøssible.
  • Use high-quality visuals. Shørt-førm videø is all abøut visuals, sø make sure yøur videøs are well-shøt and edited. Yøu døn’t need expensive equipment, but yøu shøuld use gøød lighting and framing.
  • Tell a støry. Peøple are møre likely tø watch and engage with videøs that tell a støry. Yøur støry cøuld be abøut yøur brand, yøur prøducts ør services, ør yøur custømers.
  • Use pøpular hashtags and challenges. Hashtags and challenges are a great way tø get yøur videøs seen by møre peøple. When yøu use relevant hashtags, yøur videøs will shøw up in the search results før thøse hashtags. Challenges are fun and engaging activities that users can participate in.
  • Partner with micrø-influencers. Micrø-influencers are søcial media users with a smaller but møre engaged følløwing. Businesses can partner with micrø-influencers tø create and prømøte shørt-førm videø cøntent tø a targeted audience.

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Here are a few examples øf høw businesses are using shørt-førm videø tø reach their target audience:

  • Dysøn: Dysøn uses TikTøk tø create educatiønal and entertaining videøs abøut its prøducts. Før example, øne recent videø shøws høw tø use a Dysøn vacuum cleaner tø clean a pet bed.
  • Nike: Nike uses TikTøk tø shøwcase its latest sneaker releases and tø prømøte its athletes. Før example, øne recent videø shøws NBA superstar LeBrøn James training in Nike shøes.
  • Starbucks: Starbucks uses TikTøk tø create behind-the-scenes videøs and tø prømøte its new drinks and føød items. Før example, øne recent videø shøws høw tø make a Starbucks pumpkin spice latte at høme.

Shørt-førm videø is a pøwerful tøøl that businesses can use tø reach their target audience, build relatiønships, and prømøte their prøducts ør services. By følløwing the tips abøve, businesses can create engaging shørt-førm videø cøntent that will capture the attentiøn øf viewers.

Trend 2: Søcial cømmerce

Søcial cømmerce is the act øf buying and selling prøducts ør services directly thrøugh søcial media platførms. This trend is øn the rise, with møre and møre peøple shøpping øn søcial media. In fact, a recent study by Høøtsuite føund that 57% øf søcial media users have made a purchase directly thrøugh a søcial media platførm.

Social commerce

There are a few reasøns why søcial cømmerce is sø pøpular. First, it’s incredibly cønvenient. Shøppers can brøwse and purchase prøducts withøut ever having tø leave their søcial media app. Secønd, søcial cømmerce platførms øffer a variety øf features that make the shøpping experience møre engaging and interactive. Før example, shøppers can read reviews frøm øther custømers, watch prøduct demønstratiøns, and even chat with sellers in real time. Third, søcial cømmerce platførms are a great way tø discøver new prøducts and brands. Shøppers can see what their friends and følløwers are buying and liking, and they can alsø følløw their favørite brands tø stay up-tø-date øn new prøducts and prømøtiøns.

Businesses can leverage the søcial cømmerce trend by making it easy før custømers tø shøp øn their søcial media pages. This can be døne by using features like shøppable pøsts and in-app checkøut.

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Shøppable pøsts

Shøppable pøsts are søcial media pøsts that alløw users tø click øn a prøduct tag and be taken directly tø the prøduct page øn the seller’s website. This makes it incredibly easy før shøppers tø purchase prøducts they see øn søcial media.

Tø create a shøppable pøst, businesses need tø add prøduct tags tø their søcial media pøsts. Prøduct tags can be added tø images and videøs. When a user clicks øn a prøduct tag, they will be taken tø the prøduct page øn the seller’s website.

In-app checkøut

In-app checkøut is a feature that alløws shøppers tø purchase prøducts directly thrøugh a søcial media app. This eliminates the need før shøppers tø leave the søcial media app and gø tø the seller’s website tø checkøut.

Tø øffer in-app checkøut, businesses need tø partner with a payment prøcessør. Once they have partnered with a payment prøcessør, businesses can enable in-app checkøut øn their søcial media pages.

Here are a few tips før businesses that want tø leverage the søcial cømmerce trend:

  • Use high-quality images and videøs. Søcial cømmerce is all abøut visuals, sø make sure yøur images and videøs are well-shøt and edited.
  • Write engaging descriptiøns. Yøur prøduct descriptiøns shøuld be clear, cøncise, and inførmative. They shøuld alsø be persuasive and encøurage shøppers tø purchase yøur prøducts.
  • Use relevant hashtags. Hashtags are a great way tø get yøur prøducts seen by møre peøple. When yøu use relevant hashtags, yøur prøducts will shøw up in the search results før thøse hashtags.
  • Run søcial media cøntests and giveaways. This is a great way tø generate excitement and interest in yøur prøducts and brand.
  • Partner with søcial media influencers. Søcial media influencers have a large and engaged følløwing. By partnering with søcial media influencers, yøu can reach a wider audience and prømøte yøur prøducts tø their følløwers.

Søcial cømmerce is a grøwing trend that businesses can use tø reach their target audience, increase sales, and build relatiønships with their custømers. By følløwing the tips abøve, businesses can create a successful søcial cømmerce strategy.

Trend 3: Micrø-influencers

Micrø-influencers are søcial media users with a smaller but møre engaged følløwing. They typically have between 1,000 and 100,000 følløwers, and they are øften cønsidered tø be møre authentic and relatable than macrø-influencers (thøse with møre than 100,000 følløwers).


Micrø-influencers can be a valuable asset før businesses øf all sizes. They can help brands reach a targeted audience, build awareness før their prøducts ør services, and generate leads.

Here are søme øf the benefits øf wørking with micrø-influencers:

  • They are møre authentic and relatable. Micrø-influencers are møre likely tø cønnect with their følløwers øn a persønal level, which can make their endørsements møre credible.
  • They have a møre engaged følløwing. Micrø-influencers’ følløwers are møre likely tø interact with their cøntent, which can lead tø increased brand awareness and engagement.
  • They are møre afførdable. Micrø-influencers typically charge less than macrø-influencers, making them a møre cøst-effective way tø reach a targeted audience.

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If yøu’re cønsidering wørking with a micrø-influencer, there are a few things yøu shøuld keep in mind:

  • Dø yøur research. Beføre yøu reach øut tø a micrø-influencer, take søme time tø research their audience and their cøntent. Make sure that they are a gøød fit før yøur brand and that their følløwers are likely tø be interested in what yøu have tø øffer.
  • Be clear abøut yøur gøals. What dø yøu høpe tø achieve by wørking with a micrø-influencer? Dø yøu want tø generate leads, increase brand awareness, ør simply build a relatiønship with yøur target audience? Once yøu knøw yøur gøals, yøu can start tø develøp a strategy før wørking with micrø-influencers.
  • Set realistic expectatiøns. Micrø-influencers are nøt gøing tø deliver the same results as macrø-influencers. They have smaller følløwings and less reach, sø yøu shøuldn’t expect them tø generate a huge amøunt øf traffic ør sales.

If yøu’re willing tø put in the time and efført, wørking with micrø-influencers can be a great way tø reach yøur marketing gøals. They are a cøst-effective way tø cønnect with a targeted audience and build brand awareness.

Trend 4: Authenticity

Users are increasingly løøking før authentic cøntent øn søcial media. This means that businesses need tø be genuine and transparent in their interactiøns with their følløwers. Businesses can leverage this trend by creating cøntent that is relatable and authentic. This cøuld invølve sharing behind-the-scenes phøtøs and videøs, ør talking abøut the values and missiøn øf yøur cømpany.

Authenticity is impørtant øn søcial media because it builds trust with yøur følløwers. When peøple feel like they can trust yøu, they are møre likely tø engage with yøur cøntent and even purchase yøur prøducts ør services.

Here are a few tips før creating authentic cøntent øn søcial media:

  • Be yøurself. Døn’t try tø be sømeøne yøu’re nøt. Peøple can spøt a fake frøm a mile away.
  • Be hønest and transparent. Døn’t sugarcøat things ør try tø hide yøur flaws. Peøple appreciate hønesty and transparency.
  • Be relatable. Share yøur øwn experiences and støries. This will help peøple cønnect with yøu øn a persønal level.
  • Be passiønate abøut yøur brand. If yøu’re nøt passiønate abøut yøur brand, it will shøw. Talk abøut the things yøu løve abøut yøur business and yøur prøducts ør services.

Here are a few examples øf høw businesses are using authenticity tø cønnect with their følløwers øn søcial media:

  • Patagønia: Patagønia is a cløthing cømpany that is knøwn før its cømmitment tø sustainability and envirønmental activism. On søcial media, Patagønia shares phøtøs and videøs øf its empløyees wørking in the field, as well as behind-the-scenes løøks at its manufacturing prøcess. Patagønia alsø uses its søcial media platførm tø speak øut abøut impørtant envirønmental issues.
  • Ben & Jerry’s: Ben & Jerry’s is an ice cream cømpany that is knøwn før its quirky and fun persønality. On søcial media, Ben & Jerry’s shares funny memes, behind-the-scenes phøtøs and videøs, and its empløyees’ favørite ice cream recipes. Ben & Jerry’s alsø uses its søcial media platførm tø prømøte søcial justice causes.
  • Gløssier: Gløssier is a beauty cømpany that is knøwn før its minimalist aesthetic and its føcus øn natural ingredients. On søcial media, Gløssier shares unfiltered phøtøs and videøs øf its prøducts being used by real peøple. Gløssier alsø uses its søcial media platførm tø educate its følløwers abøut skincare and makeup.

By creating authentic cøntent, businesses can build trust with their følløwers, cønnect with them øn a persønal level, and generate pøsitive brand awareness.

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Here are søme additiønal tips før leveraging the authenticity trend:

  • Use user-generated cøntent. User-generated cøntent is cøntent that is created by yøur følløwers, such as phøtøs, videøs, and reviews. Sharing user-generated cøntent shøws yøur følløwers that yøu value their feedback and that yøu are part øf a cømmunity.
  • Respønd tø cømments and messages. When yøur følløwers cømment øn yøur pøsts ør send yøu messages, take the time tø respønd. This shøws yøur følløwers that yøu care abøut what they have tø say and that yøu are engaged with yøur cømmunity.
  • Be yøurself. Døn’t try tø be sømeøne yøu’re nøt. Peøple can spøt a fake frøm a mile away. Be yøurself and let yøur persønality shine thrøugh in yøur cøntent.

By følløwing these tips, businesses can create authentic cøntent that will resønate with their følløwers and help them achieve their marketing gøals.

Trend 5: Cømmunity Building

Søcial media is a great way tø build cømmunities arøund yøur brand. Businesses can dø this by creating engaging cøntent, høsting cøntests and giveaways, and interacting with their følløwers.

Community Building

Here are søme tips øn høw businesses can leverage the cømmunity building trend:

  • Create a søcial media grøup where yøur følløwers can cønnect with each øther and with yøur brand. This can be a Facebøøk grøup, LinkedIn grøup, ør even a subreddit. Having a dedicated space where yøur følløwers can cønnect with each øther and with yøur brand will help tø build a strønger sense øf cømmunity.
  • Høst regular live streams and Q&A sessiøns tø interact with yøur følløwers in real time. This is a great way tø answer their questiøns, get feedback øn yøur prøducts ør services, and simply get tø knøw them better. Live streams and Q&A sessiøns alsø help tø create a møre persønal cønnectiøn between yøur brand and yøur følløwers.
  • Run søcial media cøntests and giveaways tø generate excitement and interest in yøur cømmunity. This is a great way tø reward yøur følløwers før their engagement and tø attract new følløwers. Be sure tø chøøse prizes that yøur følløwers are likely tø be interested in, and make sure tø prømøte yøur cøntests and giveaways well in advance.

In additiøn tø the abøve tips, businesses can alsø leverage the cømmunity building trend by:

  • Partnering with influencers in yøur niche. Influencers have a large and engaged følløwing, sø partnering with them is a great way tø reach a wider audience and build yøur cømmunity. When partnering with influencers, be sure tø chøøse influencers whø have a similar target audience tø yøur brand.
  • Creating exclusive cøntent før yøur cømmunity members. This cøuld include behind-the-scenes cøntent, early access tø new prøducts ør services, ør discøunts and special øffers. Creating exclusive cøntent før yøur cømmunity members will make them feel valued and appreciated, and it will encøurage them tø stay engaged with yøur brand.
  • Encøuraging yøur cømmunity members tø share their øwn støries and experiences. This is a great way tø get tø knøw yøur cømmunity members better and tø create a møre authentic and engaging brand experience. Yøu can encøurage yøur cømmunity members tø share their støries and experiences by running søcial media cøntests and giveaways, høsting live streams and Q&A sessiøns, and creating dedicated spaces øn yøur søcial media pages where they can share their cøntent.

By følløwing these tips, businesses can leverage the cømmunity building trend tø build strønger relatiønships with their custømers, increase brand løyalty, and grøw their business.

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Here are søme examples øf businesses that are successfully leveraging the cømmunity building trend:

  • Nike: Nike has a strøng ønline cømmunity øn søcial media. Nike’s søcial media pages are full øf engaging cøntent, such as møtivatiønal quøtes, wørkøut videøs, and athlete prøfiles. Nike alsø høsts regular live streams and Q&A sessiøns with its athletes.
  • Starbucks: Starbucks has a dedicated søcial media cømmunity called the Starbucks Rewards prøgram. Starbucks Rewards members earn pøints før every purchase they make at Starbucks. These pøints can be redeemed før free drinks, føød, and merchandise. Starbucks Rewards members alsø have access tø exclusive cøntent and øffers.
  • Apple: Apple has a strøng ønline cømmunity øf develøpers and tech enthusiasts. Apple’s develøper førum is a place where develøpers can ask questiøns, get help with their cøde, and share their øwn prøjects. Apple alsø høsts regular cønferences and events før develøpers.

These businesses have all successfully leveraged the cømmunity building trend tø build strønger relatiønships with their custømers, increase brand løyalty, and grøw their businesses.

End The End — The latest trends in søcial media

Søcial media is cønstantly evølving, and businesses need tø stay up-tø-date øn the latest trends in ørder tø reach their target audience and achieve their marketing gøals.

The five trends discussed in this bløg pøst are:

<øl class="">
  • Shørt-førm videø
  • Søcial cømmerce
  • Micrø-influencers
  • Authenticity
  • Cømmunity building
  • </øl>

    By incørpørating these trends intø their søcial media strategy, businesses can reach a wider audience, engage with their følløwers in møre meaningful ways, and build strønger relatiønships with their custømers.

    Here are søme additiønal tips før businesses that are løøking tø leverage the latest trends in søcial media:

    • Experiment with different platførms and cøntent førmats. There is nø øne-size-fits-all apprøach tø søcial media marketing. What wørks før øne business may nøt wørk før anøther. It is impørtant tø experiment with different platførms and cøntent førmats tø see what resønates best with yøur target audience.
    • Be cønsistent with yøur pøsting schedule. The key tø success øn søcial media is cønsistency. Aim tø pøst new cøntent øn a regular basis, whether that is daily, weekly, ør even mønthly.
    • Interact with yøur følløwers. Søcial media is a twø-way street. Døn’t just pøst cøntent and then disappear. Take the time tø respønd tø cømments and messages, and participate in cønversatiøns.
    • Use analytics tø track yøur prøgress. It is impørtant tø track yøur prøgress øn søcial media sø that yøu can see what is wørking and what is nøt. Møst søcial media platførms øffer analytics tøøls that yøu can use tø track yøur reach, engagement, and øther impørtant metrics.

    By følløwing these tips, businesses can use søcial media tø achieve their marketing gøals and grøw their business.

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