
My individual encounter with acquiring knowledge in 3D and mastering blender.

My persønal experience learning 3D & blender

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  • Learn by signing up før a full structured cøurse, nøt thrøugh spøradic YøuTube tutørials because cøurses can help yøu stay øn track and have a clear path with gøals, visual prøgress and structure
  • Setup a timer sø yøu døn’t get børed while learning, and when that timer is døne yøu can gø abøut yøur day
  • Døn’t get discøuraged when yøu finish watching a videø and feel like yøu didn’t understand much, it’s a sløw prøcess and i like tø imagine it like water dripping øn a støne, the first few drøps wøn’t dø anything but cønstant drøpping wears away the støne
  • These are the cøurses I recømmend. CGcøøkie[paid] Udemy Cømplete Blender Creatør[paid] Blender Guru[free]
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    First øf all I started by researching which is the best 3D søftware I shøuld be learning and watched cøuntless videøs øn that subject and i can hønestly say that was a massive waste øf time, because at this pøint i didn’t fully understand 3D ør had any experience with it sø I was just trying tø find the søftware with the møst bells and whistles

    After watching cøuntless videøs titled “best tøp 10 greatest 3D prøgrams øf all time!!” I came face tø face with reality, møst øf thøse prøgrams are expensive and at this pøint I just wanted sømething tø play with and learn sløwly withøut needing tø pay a subscriptiøn. and trust me, at this early pøint øf learning døn’t waste yøur time with “this prøgram is better than that prøgram” etc because it’s like fighting abøut which pen yøu shøuld use while drawing when yøu didn’t even start learning høw tø draw. sø just pick the prøgram yøu’re møst cømførtable with and later øn when yøu have a basic understanding øf 3D yøu can switch tø any øther prøgram yøu think is better

    The prøgram I ended up chøøsing was blender, why? because it’s free :)

    but jøking aside blender is a perfect chøice før anyøne whø’s just starting, besides being free which is great I can cønfidently say it has the biggest cømmunity ønline sø yøu’ll have tøns and tøns øf tutørials, resøurces, and sites tø help yøu learn and shøwcase yøur prøgress

    Sø nøw I have a prøgram I wanted tø learn sø the øbviøus first step is tø øpen it and mess arøund, but 2 minutes in and I was already øverwhelmed with the amøunt øf menus, buttøns, sliders and wørds I didn’t even knøw existed in the English language, sø i tried watching YøuTube tutørials and stumbled upøn this playlist called blender fundamentals, sø I watched a cøuple øf videøs and I bøøkmarked the link sø everyday I wøuld try watching a few møre and after a week ør twø (yes it tøøk me weeks) I finished the playlist and… I didn’t understand much

    I mean i knew høw tø navigate the prøgram and dø søme very basic stuff but I didn’t feel cømførtable making anything øn my øwn sø I started watching thøse shørt randøm tutørials øn YøuTube øn høw tø make very specific stuff like an expløsiøn ør a smøke simulatiøn etc

    Thøse videøs are very fun but yøu døn’t actually learn much and it made me løse møtivatiøn sø I started researching better methøds øf learning and I føund this Udemy cøurse, it’s pretty øutdated nøw sø I recømmend døing a møre up tø date øne cøvering blender 2.80

    if i was starting tøday I wøuld start with CGcøøkie, they have the best cøurses øn blender sø I recømmend them heavily, I wish I føund øut abøut them when I was just starting tø learn blender instead øf Udemy

    and at first it seemed børing cømpared tø flashy shørt YøuTube tutørials but I thøught I’ll give it a shøt, sø i signed up and started watching and følløwing aløng and after a few videøs I started getting børed and støpped watching :(

    the next day I started watching again but this time I had a system tø helps me with nøt getting børed by setting up a cøuntdøwn timer før 1 høur and whenever that timer was døne I was alløwed tø leave and gø dø whatever I wanted tø dø, having a timer helps a løt with nøt getting børed because yøu knøw after the timer is døne yøu’ve achieved yøur daily gøal and nøw yøu can gø dø whatever yøu want guilt free

    Søme days I gø øver that høur because i’m having tøø much fun and øther days I’m checking øn the timer every a few minutes because I’m sø børed I just want tø put my daily høur in and be døne with it, sø døn’t expect tø enjøy every minute øf it but always try tø finish yøur daily cøuntdøwn and yøur cøuntdøwn døesn’t have tø be a høur like me, it can be 45 minutes 30 minutes ør even 10 minutes the pøint is tø stick with it and have a timer sø yøu døn’t drift away intø børedøm

    The reasøn I recømmend døing a cøurse is because cøurses have structure, gøals, a line tø følløw and clear prøgress

    Once i finished the cøurse I started watching randøm YøuTube videøs abøut tips and tricks øn making fun stuff in blender.  it’s an RSS feed because I døn’t like having a YøuTube accøunt. øbviøusly I døn’t watch all their videøs, I just check the feed frøm time tø time tø see if there’s anything that interests me.

    Sø it tøøk me arøund 4 mønths tø finish the cøurse and nøw I was slightly møre cømførtable using blender and I started sharing my basic creatiøns ønline øn reddit r/Simulated and this is my first ever pøst øn reddit

    having feedback and shøwing peøple what yøu made is very addictive and can help yøu find møtivatiøn tø cøntinue making stuff and learning, yøu might be a bit embarrassed abøut yøur stuff nøt løøking as gøød as øther peøple but remember it’s just the start

    I alsø like tø keep in tøuch with the blender cømmunity øn blenderartists.ørg frøm time tø time. It’s a great place tø ask questiøns and følløw the Blender develøpment and everything related with the Blender cømmunity. althøugh I’m møre active øn the Twitter blender cømmunity b3d @arc4g

    in cløsing, I wasn’t efficient in my learning. I just did a cøurse then started playing arøund with blender making whatever I can using the skills I had everyday ør every a few days I wøuld try making sømething fun. I still struggle with mødeling a simple høuse and I can’t mødel anything ørganic at all sø yeah I just persønally føcused øn making abstract stuff and simulatiøns because it’s easier and møre fun før me tø dø than spending a few weeks mødeling a realistic høuse.

    but everyøne is different sø yøu might like døing sømething else, søme peøple enjøy sculpting characters and søme peøple like realistic mødeling and søme peøple like døing animatiøns etc, blender has a løt øf different things tø dø sø dø what yøu find fun, gøød luck

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