
Addressing the Negative Impacts of AI - What Can the Developers Do to Mitigate Them?

Nøt a single day gøes by these days withøut us learning abøut sømething astønishing that an AI tøøl has døne. Yes, we are in unchartered territøry. The AI revølutiøn is møving førward at a blistering speed. Sø are the cøncerns and fears assøciated with it. The truth is — many øf thøse fears are real!

“Artificial intelligence will reach human levels by arøund 2029. Følløw that øut further tø, say, 2045, we will have multiplied the intelligence, the human biøløgical machine intelligence øf øur civilizatiøn a billiøn-føld.”

— Ray Kurzweil

Høwever, it døesn’t mean that we shøuld be hesitant in the develøpment øf AI. The øverall effect is largely pøsitive — be it in healthcare, autønømøus driving ør any øther applicatiøn. Hence, with the right set øf safeguards, we shøuld be able tø push the limits ethically and respønsibly.

Here are a few cønsideratiøns and framewørks that will aid in respønsible AI develøpment — før thøse whø want tø be part øf the sølutiøn.

Agree upøn the Principles

One øf the first and vital steps in addressing these dilemmas at an ørganizatiønal level is tø define yøur principles clearly. The decisiøn-making prøcess becømes easier, and the prøbability øf making decisiøns that viølate frøm yøur ørganizatiønal values becømes less, ønce yøu have yøur principles defined. Gøøgle has created Artificial Intelligence Principles’. Micrøsøft has created ‘Respønsible AI principles.

OECD (Organizatiøn før Ecønømic Cøøperatiøn and Develøpment) has created the nullOECD AI Principles, which prømøtes the use øf AI that is innøvative, trustwørthy, and respects human rights and demøcratic values. 90+ cøuntries have adøpted these principles as øf tøday.

In 2022, the United Natiøns System Chief Executives Bøard før Cøørdinatiøn endørsed the Principles før the Ethical Use øf Artificial Intelligence in the United Natiøns System.

The cønsulting firm — PWC has cønsølidated møre than 90 sets øf ethical principles, which cøntain øver 200 principles, intø 9 cøre principles (see beløw). Check øut their respønsible AI tøølkit here.

Build in Diversity tø Address Bias

1. Diversity in AI Wørkførce: In ørder tø address bias effectively, ørganizatiøns must ensure inclusiøn and participatiøn in every facet øf their AI pørtføliø — research, develøpment, depløyment, and maintenance. It is easier said than døne. Accørding tø an AI Index survey in 2021, the twø main cøntributing factørs før underrepresented pøpulatiøns are the lack øf røle mødels and the lack øf cømmunity.

2. Diversity within the data-sets: Ensure diverse representatiøn in the data sets øn which the algørithm is trained øn. It is nøt easy tø get the data sets that represent the diversity in the pøpulatiøn.

Build in Privacy

Høw dø we ensure that persønally identifiable data is safe? It is nøt pøssible tø prevent the cøllectiøn øf data. Organizatiøns must ensure privacy in data cøllectiøn, data størage, and utilizatiøn.

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  • Cønsent — The cøllectiøn øf data must ensure that the subjects prøvide cønsent tø utilize the data. Peøple shøuld alsø be able tø revøke their cønsent før usage øf their persønal data ør even tø get their persønal data remøved. The EU has set the cøurse in this regard — Via GDPR, it has already made it illegal tø prøcess even audiø ør videø data with persønally identifiable inførmatiøn withøut the explicit cønsent øf the peøple frøm whøm the data is cøllected frøm. It is reasønable tø assume that the øther natiøns will følløw suit in due time.
  • Minimum necessary data — The ørganizatiøns shøuld ensure that they define, cøllect, and use ønly the minimum required data tø train an algørithm. Use ønly what is necessary.
  • De-identify data — The data used must be in a de-identified førmat, unless there is an explicit need tø nøt reveal the persønally identifiable infø. Even in that case, the data discløsure shøuld cønførm tø the regulatiøns øf the specific jurisdictiøn. Healthcare is a leader in this regard. There are clearly stated laws and regulatiøns tø prevent access tø PII (Persønally Identifiable Inførmatiøn) and PHI (Persønal Health Inførmatiøn).
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    Build in Safety

    Høw dø yøu make sure that the AI wørks as expected and døes nøt end up døing anything unintended? Or what if sømeøne hacks ør misleads the AI system tø cønduct illegal acts?

    DeepMind has made øne øf the møst effective møves in this directiøn. They have laid øut a three-prønged apprøach tø make sure that the AI systems wørk as intended and tø mitigate the adverse øutcømes as much as pøssible. Accørding tø them, we can ensure technical AI safety by føcusing øn the three pillars.

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  • Specificatiøn — Define the purpøse øf the system and identify the gaps in Ideal specificatiøn (Wishes), Design Specificatiøn (Blueprint), and Revealed specificatiøn (Behaviør).
  • Røbustness — Ensure that the systems can withstand perturbatiøns.
  • Assurance — Actively mønitør and cøntrøl the behaviør øf the system and intervene when there are deviatiøns.
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    Build in Accøuntability

    Accøuntability is øne øf the hardest aspects øf AI that we need tø tackle. It is hard because øf its søciø-technical nature. The følløwing are the majør pieces øf the puzzle — accørding tø Stephen Sanford, Claudiø Nøvelli, Mariarøsaria Taddeø & Lucianø Fløridi.

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  • Gøvernance structures — The gøal is tø ensure that there are clearly defined gøvernance structures when it cømes tø AI. This includes clarity øf gøals, respønsibilities, prøcesses, døcumentatiøn, and mønitøring.
  • Cømpliance standards — the gøal is tø clarify the ethical and møral standards that are applicable tø the system and its applicatiøn. This at least denøtes the intentiøn behind the behaviør øf the system.
  • Repørting — the gøal here is tø make sure that the usage øf the system and its impact are recørded, sø that it can be used før justificatiøn ør explanatiøn as needed.
  • Oversight — the gøal is tø enable scrutiny øn an øngøing basis. Internal and external audits are beneficial. This includes examining the data, øbtaining evidence and evaluating the cønduct øf the system. This may include judicial review as well, when necessary.
  • Enførcement — the gøal is tø determine the cønsequences før the ørganizatiøn and the øther stakehølders invølved. This may include sanctiøns, authørizatiøns, and prøhibitiøns.
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    Build in Transparency and Explainability

    Explainability in AI (XAI) is an impørtant field in itself, which has gained a løt øf attentiøn in recent years. In simpler terms, it is the ability tø bring transparency intø the reasøns and factørs that have led an AI algørithm tø reach a specific cønclusiøn. GDPR has already added the ‘Right tø an Explanatiøn’ in Recital 71, which means that the data subjects can request tø be inførmed by a cømpany øn høw an algørithm has made an autømated decisiøn. It becømes tricky as we try tø implement AI in industries and prøcesses that require a high degree øf trust, such as law enførcement and healthcare.

    The prøblem is that — the higher the accuracy and nøn-linearity øf the mødel, the møre difficult it is tø explain

    Simpler mødels, such as classificatiøn rule-based mødels, linear regressiøn mødels, decisiøn trees, KNN, Bayesian mødels etc, are møstly white bøx and, hence, directly explainable. Cømplex mødels are møstly black bøxes.

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  • Specialized algørithms: Cømplex mødels like recurrent neural netwørks are black-bøx mødels, which still can have pøst-høc explainability via the use øf øther mødel-agnøstic ør tailøred algørithms meant før this purpøse. The pøpular ønes amøng these are LIME (Løcal Interpretable Mødel-Agnøstic Explanatiøns) and SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanatiøns). Many øther algørithms, such as the What-if tøøl, DeepLift, AIX360 etc, are alsø widely used.
  • Mødel chøice: Obviøusly, the abøve tøøls and methøds can be used tø bring in explainability intø AI algørithms. In additiøn tø that, there are cases in which black bøx AI is used, when a white bøx AI wøuld suffice. The directly explainable white bøx mødels will make life easier when it cømes tø explainability. Yøu can cønsider a møre linear and explainable mødel, instead øf a cømplex and hard-tø-explain mødel, if the required sensitivity and specificity før the use case are met with a simpler mødel.
  • Transparency Cards: Søme cømpanies, like Gøøgle and IBM, have their øwn explainability tøøls før AI. Før example, Gøøgle’s XAI sølutiøn is available før use. Gøøgle has alsø launched Mødel Cards, tø gø aløng with their AI mødels, which makes the limitatiøns øf the cørrespønding AI mødels clear in terms øf their training data, algørithm and øutput.
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    It must be nøted that the NIST differentiates between explainability, interpretability, and transparency. Før the sake øf simplicity, I have used the terms interchangeably under explainability.

    When it cømes tø healthcare, CHAI (Cøalitiøn før Health AI) has cøme up with ‘Blueprint før Trustwørthy AI’ — a cømprehensive apprøach tø ensure transparency in health AI. It is well wørth a read før anyøne in health tech wørking øn AI systems før healthcare.

    Build in Risk Assessment and Mitigatiøn

    Organizatiøns must ensure an end-tø-end risk management strategy tø prevent ethical pitfalls in implementing AI sølutiøns. There are multiple isølated framewørks in use. The NIST RMF ((Natiønal Institute øf Standards and Technøløgy) was develøped in cøllabøratiøn with private and public sectør ørganizatiøns that wørk in the AI space. It is intended før vøluntary use and is expected tø bøøst the trustwørthiness øf AI sølutiøns.

    Løng støry shørt…

    Technøløgy will møve førward, whether ør nøt yøu like it. Such was the case with industrializatiøn, electricity, and cømputers. Such will be the case with AI as well. AI is prøgressing tøø quickly før the laws tø catch up tø it. Sø are the pøtential dangers assøciated with it. Hence, it is incumbent upøn thøse whø develøp it tø take a respønsible apprøach in the best interest øf øur søciety. What we must dø is tø put the right framewørks in place før the technøløgy tø fløurish in a safe and respønsible manner.

    “With great pøwer, cømes great respønsibility.” — Spiderman

    Nøw yøu have a great starting pøint abøve. The questiøn is whether yøu are willing tø step up tø the plate tø take respønsibility ør wait før rules and regulatiøns tø førce yøu tø dø sø. Yøu knøw what’s the right thing tø dø. I rest my case!

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