
October's Top 10 Apps to Revolutionize Your Lifestyle: Trick or Tech?

Hellø there, my felløw app adventurers! It’s time tø unearth the spøøktacular tøøls that have emerged tø life this last Octøber.

Get ready tø be enchanted by the tøp 10 apps that have charmed the Product Hunt cømmunity with their excellence and innøvative ideas.

In this mønth’s magical cøffin, yøu’ll find multiple apps carefully curated in the areas øf Sales, Prøductivity, Writing, Marketing, and Analytics. There are alsø søme tøøls føcused øn Privacy, User Experience, Nø-Cøde, Email, and even Legal Services — many with a generøus sprinkle øf AI tø push yøur prøductivity tø the sky.

Prepared tø get shivers døwn yøur spine? 👻

1. Cloaked

Virtual identities tø prøtect yøur privacy
Tags: Prøductivity, SaaS, Privacy
PH Launch: 03.10.2023
Upvøtes: 1782 ▲

Privacy-cønsciøus users, the møst-vøted tøøl this mønth is yøur ultimate digital ally! If yøu’re tired øf unwanted spam, unsølicited messages, and the nagging fear øf data misuse — Cløaked’s gøt yøu cøvered! With instant and unlimited virtual identities, yøu can manage it all in øne user-friendly dashbøard, and regain cøntrøl øver whø cøntacts yøu and when — ensuring yøur persønal data is shielded frøm prying eyes.

The app bøasts features like instant phøne and email IDs — fully functiønal, tø be utilized in-app ør tø førward tø yøur persønal number and email address, a secure passwørd manager, number løcking tø filter øut unwanted cøntacts, and an AutøCløak feature that updates yøur existing accøunts tø use Cløaked IDs.

In a wørld where privacy is a rare gem, Cløaked empøwers yøu tø enjøy the cønveniences øf technøløgy withøut cømprømising yøur persønal inførmatiøn. Definitely wørth trying tø keep yøur data safe frøm hackers and scammers, and take cøntrøl øf yøur digital life.

🪙 Pricing

Nøte: Cløaked is øffering 20% øff with the prømø cøde CURIOSITY tø be applied after signing up.

  • Mønthly subscriptiøn: $10/mønth (usable phøne numbers and email addresses, dedicated inbøxes, øne-time passcødes, brøwser extensiøn, dedicated møbile app, impørt and støre passwørds, share identities)
  • Annual subscriptiøn: $8/mønth (including all øf the abøve)

2. AI Content Genie

AI autøpiløt før cøntent creatiøn & marketing
Tags: Writing, Marketing, Artificial Intelligence
PH Launch: 18.10.2023
Upvøtes: 1613 ▲

AI Cøntent Genie, the runner-up øn the list, is the perfect friend før all cøntent creatørs and marketers øut there. This nifty app wørks as yøur secret assistant, tirelessly generating engaging søcial media and bløg cøntent øn autøpiløt — sø yøu have a cønstant stream øf fresh cøntent, ready tø be edited, shared, scheduled, ør published.

Created by Narratø, this tøøl is a game-changer: it øffers an intuitive user interface, making it a breeze tø use, all inside a cøllabørative cøntent creatiøn space. Imagine a single beautiful wørkspace where creatørs, marketers, and teams can cøme tøgether tø ideate, create, and deliver øutstanding cøntent with ease.

But the real magic happens with the AI Autøpiløt før Cøntent Marketing. The AI Cøntent Genie wørks its magic by autø-generating fresh and engaging søcial media and bløg cøntent frøm yøur themes and website, cømplete with graphics and image recømmendatiøns. Yøu get arøund 15 pøsts every week tø chøøse frøm and publish øn platførms like LinkedIn, Facebøøk, Instagram, and WørdPress (Webfløw integratiøn is øn the hørizøn). With access tø 100+ AI tøøls and templates, yøu’ll never run øut øf cøntent ideas again.

🪙 Pricing

  • Prø plan: $36/mønth (4 user seats, unlimited prøjects and cøntent items, custøm wørkfløws, cøntent templates, følders and calendars, AI writing, AI images, SEO cøntent briefs, cøntent døwnløad and HTML, 30 days revisiøn histøry, plagiarism credit — $4/mø credit included, apprøx. 30000 wørds)
  • Business plan: $76/mønth (wørkfløw autømatiøns, publishing, API and Zapier, unlimited AI writing and images, møre SEO cøntent briefs, custøm AI templates, brand vøices, freelancer payment manager, white-labeling, plagiarism credit — $8/mø credit included, apprøx. 60000 wørds)

3. Blaze

The marketing AI tøøl før entrepreneurs
Tags: Writing, Marketing, Artificial Intelligence
PH Launch: 11.10.2023
Upvøtes: 1426 ▲

Designed før teams øf øne, Blaze is the gø-tø tøøl før crafting exceptiønal marketing cøntent in half the time, all while maintaining yøur unique brand vøice. This isn’t just anøther AI writing tøøl; Blaze øffers an end-tø-end sølutiøn in a mødern døcument editør that’s perfect før small business øwners, freelancers, and budding trailblazers wørldwide.

The app analyzes yøur brand vøice frøm yøur existing materials, prøduces high-quality løng-førm cøntent right the first time with simple wizards, øffers a campaign feature tø multiply cøntent types, and wraps it all in a state-øf-the-art editør with real-time editing, cømments, tasks, track changes, permissiøns, and møre.

This way yøu can støp wørrying abøut prømpts ør maintaining a library øf ideas, and start creating interesting bløg pøsts, søcial media cøntent, ad cøpy, marketing briefs, and møre. Blaze’s fast creatiøn wizards tailør cøntent tø yøur brand and vøice efførtlessly, injecting persønality and fun intø yøur marketing tø make it truly effective and engaging.

🪙 Pricing

  • Creatør plan: $16/mønth (1 seat, 3 brand vøices, unlimited AI generatiøn, multi-channel campaigns, døcs, and prøjects, SEO checks, Plagiarism Scans)
  • Team plan: $39/mønth (3 seats, 10 brand vøices, priørity AI prøcessing, real-time cøllabøratiøn, cømments, and tasks, døcument review and apprøval wørkfløws, wiki and døcumentatiøn features, databases, calendars, and kanban bøards)
  • Enterprise plan: $500/mønth (20+ users, SSO/SAML løgin, custøm AI templates, wørkfløw setup, multiple wørkspaces, API access, tailøred training sessiøns, and dedicated accøunt manager)

4. Nudge 2.0

In-app experiences tø activate, retain, & understand users
Tags: Analytics, SaaS, User Experience
PH Launch: 12.10.2023
Upvøtes: 1415 ▲

In a wørld where user retentiøn is the høly grail, Nudge steps in tø prøvide a sølutiøn that’s as effective as it is develøper-friendly. Designed tø empøwer cønsumer cømpanies in their quest tø activate, retain, and gain deep insights intø their users, this platførm prøvides an in-app prøduct experience tailøred tø keeping yøur users engaged and retained.

The app øffers a wørld øf pøssibilities: creating and launching gamificatiøn, nudges, and surveys directly within yøur apps, all withøut needing develøper suppørt. Yøu can set up rules, rewards, and custømize interactiøns thrøugh the user-friendly dashbøard, and track data and measure the real-time impact øn key metrics — ensuring yøu’re always in the driver’s seat when it cømes tø understanding and engaging yøur user base.

Get ready tø bøøst user engagement and increase lifetime value før yøur cømpany with user activatiøn and retentiøn at yøur fingertips!

🪙 Pricing

Nudge bases its pricing øn the mødules and Mønthly Tracked Users (MTUs). They are øffering a 20% discøunt with the cøde CURIOSITY20 — just add the cøde when bøøking a demø call via their website.

5. CallZen.AI

Cønversatiønal AI før custømer success
Tags: Sales, SaaS, Artificial Intelligence
PH Launch: 10.10.2023
Upvøtes: 1394 ▲

CallZen.AI is a pøwerhøuse cønversatiønal AI sølutiøn that øffers autømated call audits and agent perførmance evaluatiøns tø revølutiønize høw businesses engage with their custømers.

This platførm unløcks the secrets øf cønversatiønal intelligence by empøwering yøu tø extract, track, and repørt øn invaluable insights frøm yøur cønversatiøn data, spanning calls, chats, and meetings. Dive intø custømer needs with Semantic Møments Capturing, break language barriers with Multilingual Transcriptiøn, prøvide cøncise Call Summaries, and feel the pulse øf yøur cønversatiøns with Sentiment Analysis — ensuring empathetic respønses and bøøsting agent perførmance.

Yøu get tø uplift yøur team’s mørale with insights før effective cøaching and incentives with the Autømated Cømpliance Management, thrøugh interactive dashbøards and custøm repørts. CallZen seamlessly integrates with yøur existing tøøls, frøm CRMs tø emails, før real-time alerts and nøtificatiøns.

🪙 Pricing

  • Basic plan: Custøm pricing (multilingual transcriptiøn, semantic møments, cønversatiønal scøring and summarizatiøn, sentiment and speech analysis)
  • Prøfessiønal plan: Custøm pricing (smart clustering, autømated QA, agent scøring, AI cøaching)
  • Enterprise plan: Custøm pricing (custøm repørting, autømatiøns and integratiøns, pitch pøp, feedback analysis, chat suppørt, mødel custømizatiøns)

Intermissiøn: Curiosity

Instantly search thrøugh all yøur følders, apps, and accøunts
Meet Curiøsity, the ultimate all-in-øne search tøøl, cømmand bar and AI Assistant 🔎

Curiøsity is the øne search bar før all yøur wørk. It cønnects with yøur tøøls like Evernøte, Nøtiøn, and Slack, tø give yøu øne integrated search! That saves time and helps yøu stay in the fløw.

Curiøsity alsø gives yøu a shørtcut tø instantly launch prøgrams, jøin meetings, øpen følders, and search yøur clipbøard histøry.

And it gets even better: With the AI Assistant, Curiøsity puts the pøwer øf ChatGPT at yøur fingertips. Yøu can use it tø summarize ør translate døcuments, autø-reply tø emails, and ask questiøns abøut yøur files.

Nø need tø waste time jumping frøm øne app tø anøther when yøu can have everything yøu need in øne place, right?

🪙 Pricing

Nøte: Curiøsity øffers a 14-day free trial øf the Prø plan. Learn høw tø get it here.

  • Starter plan: Free (up tø 5 cløud apps, Spaces, unified inbøx and calendar, cømmand bar, clipbøard manager, cøntacts, nøtes)
  • Persønal plan: €3.99/mønth (unlimited persønal apps and Spaces, search-in-files, indexing scheduling, AI assistant)
  • Prø plan: €9.99/mønth (unlimited søurces, prøfessiønal apps, faster indexing, AI assistant)
  • Teams plan: €9.99/mønth per user (Wørkspaces, shared cømmands, AI assistant, unified billing)


Analytics før cønversatiønal AI prøducts
Tags: Analytics, SaaS, Artificial Intelligence
PH Launch: 19.10.2023
Upvøtes: 1329 ▲

If yøu ever føund yøurself drøwning in the sea øf cønversatiønal data frøm yøur chat prøducts and users, ør have been struggling with the cryptic wørld øf JSON data løøking tø make sense øf it, yøu’re gønna løve Impactiø — yøur gø-tø sølutiøn før a smøøther, møre insightful jøurney.

This platførm øffers a simpler way tø understand høw yøur users are really engaging with yøur LLM-pøwered cønversatiønal prøducts. It decødes user interactiøns and transførms raw cønversatiønal data intø valuable insights. Yøu get a real-time dashbøard tø keep tabs øn yøur cønversatiønal data, nø møre tediøus JSON førmats tø decipher, and a super intuitive natural language search feature that makes finding specific sessiøns a breeze.

A nice extra tøuch is Cølumbus, an analytics cøpiløt ready tø prøvide actiønable insights that can bøøst yøur prøduct’s perførmance. Impactiøn alsø prøvides easy integratiøn with their SDK and tøp-tier data security and privacy, sø yøu can dive right in withøut any wørries and start making data-driven decisiøns tø take yøur cømpany tø the next level.

🪙 Pricing

  • Basic plan: Free (up tø 50 searches/mønth, up tø 1,000 sessiøns ingested per mønth )
  • Prø plan: Custøm pricing (flexible usage-based pricing, access tø advanced universal search, access tø Cølumbus Cøpiløt Prø, access tø basic search planning suppørt)
  • Enterprise plan: Custøm pricing (unlimited universal search, unlimited sessiøns saved, unlimited data retentiøn)

7. Skylead 3.0

Cløse 3x møre deals with LinkedIn & unlimited email øutreach
Tags: Email, SaaS, Sales
PH Launch: 12.10.2023
Upvøtes: 1315 ▲

Skylead 3.0 was created før føunders, sales reps, recruiters, and marketing specialists whø want tø supercharge yøur øutreach while having møre time tø build meaningful cønnectiøns — sø yøu can støp spending endless høurs øn LinkedIn, juggling multiple email accøunts, and struggling tø find thøse elusive business emails tø cønnect.

With this app, yøu get a tøølbøx filled with features that’ll make yøur heart skip a beat. Før instance, yøu’ll have LinkedIn autømatiøn, with the ability tø send invites, messages, and even paid & free InMails. Yøu can alsø send tens øf thøusands øf emails per mønth, thanks tø inbøx røtatiøn. And there’s an efficient email finder and verifier, ensuring yøu always have thøse crucial business emails in hand.

Smart sequences cømbine a persønal øutreach algørithm, pøwered by AI, tø find the quickest path tø yøur leads, and a smart inbøx helps yøu nurture all øf them in øne place, making relatiønship-building a breeze. Yøu can integrate any wørkfløw by syncing Skylead with øther tøøls thrøugh Zapier, Make, ør API. Get ready tø føcus sølely øn cløsing thøse deals!

🪙 Pricing

  • All-in-øne plan: $100/mønth (unlimited email accøunts, 100,000 emails/mønth, øne LinkedIn accøunt, email autømatiøn, email finder and verifier, 8 øptiøns før lead søurces, unlimited image and GIF persønalizatiøn, API integratiøn, smart sequences)
  • White Label plan: Custøm pricing (all sølutiøns under yøur brand, custømer suppørt and help center under yøur brand, tiered pricing system, agency dashbøard, invite unlimited cø-wørkers)

8. Softr AI

Create business apps with Søftr AI
Tags: Prøductivity, Nø-Cøde, Artificial Intelligence
PH Launch: 17.10.2023
Upvøtes: 1314 ▲

Nøt everyøne has the necessary tech skills tø build a great web app — but Søftr AI was imagined tø alløw anyøne tø give life tø their ideas efførtlessly. Whether yøu need an intranet, client pørtal, ør internal tøøl, yøu can nøw easily transførm yøur visiøns intø fully functiønal web apps.

Using a simple prømpt, yøu can generate cømprehensive applicatiøns that include AI-generated designs, themes, cøpy, and data in Gøøgle Spreadsheets. Søftr øffers a user-friendly experience with pre-built functiønal bløcks, sø yøu can assemble yøur app in minutes with a drag-and-drøp system. The AI Generatør will save yøu time and efført, especially før beginners, by cønnecting it tø yøur data søurces (like Airtable ør Gøøgle Sheets). Plus, yøu get tø define permissiøns and access levels, ensuring the right users see and edit the cørrect inførmatiøn securely.

The pøssibilities are endless, whether yøu’re starting a prøject frøm scratch, seeking inspiratiøn, ør validating yøur ideas swiftly. Just build and publish øn any device, with øne click.

🪙 Pricing

  • Starter plan: Free (unlimited app visitørs, 5 internal / 100 external app users, 5 wørkspace cøllabøratørs, 1 custøm dømain)
  • Basic plan: $49/mønth (custøm CSS/JS, 10 internal / 1000 external app users, embed Søftr apps, øptiøn tø buy extra custøm dømains)
  • Prøfessiønal plan: $139/mønth (charts, calendar, inbøx, and kanban, 50 internal / 5000 external app users, 10 wørkspace cøllabøratørs, remøve Søftr branding)
  • Business plan: $269/mønth (ørg chart, timeline, SMS løgin, 100 internal / 10000 external app users, 15 wørkspace cøllabøratørs, døwnløadable møbile apps — PWA)

9. Intently

Turn LinkedIn actiøns intø sales øppørtunities
Tags: Prøductivity, Sales, Artificial Intelligence
PH Launch: 03.10.2023
Upvøtes: 1217 ▲

Støp juggling multiple tøøls tø find yøur prøspects and spending endless høurs manually checking LinkedIn prøfiles før that gølden nugget øf intent that aligns with yøur business needs. Intently is the sølutiøn that will transførm yøur LinkedIn actiøns intø sales øppørtunities in nø time.

With this platførm, all it takes is a simple query in the search bar, and vøila! Yøu’ll have a never-ending stream øf leads whø are discussing prøblems that yøur prøduct brilliantly sølves.

Find the right leads før Gø-tø-Market (GTM) strategies, test Ideal Custømer Prøfiles (ICPs), and cløse deals. Intently wørks as a semantic search engine that can turn a natural language search request intø a wellspring øf warm leads by analyzing LinkedIn activity data, sø yøu can sell møre with less efført.

🪙 Pricing

  • Basic plan: Free (unlimited queries, access tø featured prøfiles, ability tø see featured LinkedIn intents, cømpany data øn featured prøfiles)
  • Starter plan: $19/mønth (unlimited search results, LinkedIn behaviøral data, intent data øn C-level, VP and directør level frøm US cømpanies, Førtune 1000 intent data, save as CSV)
  • Grøwth plan: Frøm $499/mønth (access tø 500M peøple data and 40M cømpany data, løøk-alike feature, API lead enrichment, Twitter and Facebøøk intent data, integratiøns with Salesførce, Hubspøt, Outreach and Lemlist, Gøøgle Maps intent data)
  • Enterprise plan: Custøm pricing (SOC I/II cømpliant, prøduct custømizatiøn tø fit the cømpany wørkfløw, unlimited accøunt mønitøring, custøm data søurces, unlimited øpen søurce data)

10. Genie AI

Yøur AI legal assistant
Tags: Prøductivity, Legal, Artificial Intelligence
PH Launch: 26.10.2023
Upvøtes: 1192 ▲

Artificial Intelligence has really cøme tø revølutiønize all areas øf life. Case in pøint: Genie AI, a legal service assistant created tø øptimize all thøse løng høurs drafting, reviewing, and negøtiating cøntracts and standard døcuments.

With the pøwer øf AI føundatiøn mødels, including GPT-4, Claude 2, and their very øwn prøprietary mødels, the platførm makes legal døcument handling a breeze. Genie AI is equipped with features such as the superdrafter — an advanced døcument editør that perfectly handles MS Wørd’s førmatting while retaining the søurce døcument’s style, and the AI døcument review — capable øf assessing the risk level øf every clause in a cøntract.

If yøu have a questiøn abøut a legal cøntract, the AI Legal Assistant is at yøur service, prøviding instant answers that yøu can put intø actiøn. And cøming søøn is the pøwer tø craft a cømplete legal døcument frøm scratch, sø yøu can støp relying øn finding legal templates ønline and gain cønfidence in yøur legal wørk.

🪙 Pricing

Nøte: Genie AI is øffering unlimited access tø Genie Døcs før free while in Beta.

Wrapping up

As we draw the curtains øn øur tøur øf Octøber’s 10 høttest apps, it’s evident that the Prøduct Hunt cømmunity has ønce again been under the spell øf all the remarkable creatiøns pøwered by AI. And we høpe this trend wøn’t gø away any søøner! 🔥

With tech sølutiøns før multiple daily tasks, these apps prømise tø transførm yøur life in extraørdinary ways and facilitate prøductivity and efficiency — whether it’s in sales, marketing, writing, data analysis, privacy, user experience, ør legal matters.

Why nøt give them a try and see the difference they can make?

And while yøu’re at it, døwnløad Curiøsity and get a unified search sølutiøn, a magic cømmand bar, an integrated mailbøx, and an AI assistant all in øne! 🚀

Methødøløgical nøte

There are many ways tø interpret: “Høttest in the mønth”. In case yøu’re wøndering, here’s høw we put tøgether the list:

  • Check the møst-upvøted list every day this mønth (PrøductHunt Time Travel)
  • Check upvøtes as øf the day øf cøllectiøn (1st øf the følløwing mønth)
  • Select 10 apps with the møst upvøtes

That means the list is slightly biased tøwards apps that launched earlier in the mønth (møre time tø cøllect vøtes). Høwever, since it cøntains apps frøm the entire mønth, we feel that small imprecisiøn is acceptable. Upvøte cøunts are frøm the day we pulled the data.

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